Dinosaurs of Comedy
Dinosaurs of Comedy
The show features the “Dinosaurs of Comedy,” longtime San Francisco comedians Michael Meehan, seen on “The Late Show with Craig Ferguson” and “Last Comic Standing,” Larry “Bubbles” Brown, who has appeared twice on “Late Night with David Letterman,” and Johnny Steele from “Hey Monster, Hands Off My City.”
Larry "Bubbles" Brown
Larry Bubbles Brown is a San Francisco comedian who came up through the comedy boom of the 80s. He has appeared on "Late Night with David Letterman" holding the record for longest time between appearances by a comedian. He is a frequent opener for Dana Carvey, Dave Attell, and Rob Schneider, and is a regular guest on "Fantastic," Dana Carvey's popular podcast. Larry has realized he has to do stand up forever since comedy lacks a retirement plan.
Johnny Steele
Johnny began performing comedy in 1984 after quitting graduate school in a move his parents named: Operation $40K Down The Drain. But Johnny quickly got the hang of the craft and was soon performing – and drinking for free! – at the nation’s top clubs.
During the next decade Johnny went on to perform at comedy festivals, win comedy competitions, log over 20 national TV appearances, and did we mention drink for free?
In 1997 Johnny left the comedy scene to host San Francisco’s Live 105 Morning Radio Show. Guests ranged from Carol O’Conner to David Bowie to city supervisors, and both the S.F. Weekly’s annual readers’ poll and the S.F. Publicity Club picked it the city’s best show. The Chronicle called it the ‘best morning chatter show’ and also dubbed it ‘clean and smart.’ Therefore, it was cancelled in the summer of ’98 to make room for the Howard Stern Poop and Wiener Hour.
In 1999 Johnny’s career took another turn when he became co-host of KRON/Bay TV’s THE SHOW. For three years Johnny’s informal interview style and outrageous ad-lib comments kept everyone laughing. The irrepressible Johnny once told feminist photographer Annie Lebovitz that he bought her book Women because he thought it was a directory. Well, he kept almost everybody laughing.
Johnny is currently performing comedy as well as working on a number of web, radio, and TV projects, one of which is bound to take off due to, if nothing else, pure dumb luck. He is also working on a humorous solo show about his journey to find peace in a WalMart America gone mad with mindless consumption, endless sprawl, and bone jarring stupidity. And really, aren’t we all?
Michael Meehan
Michael Meehan brings over 35 years of Stand up Comedy to the stage, and has appeared on countless television shows including "The Late Late Show" and "Last Comic Standing." Michael has also performed with his brothers, Howard and Chris, as The Meehan Brothers who appeared in the early years of SF Sketchfest. Michael wrote and directed "Hey, Monster, Hands Off My City," a feature length comedy film that received rave reviews from the SF Chronicle for its originality and artistry. Michael recently appeared at Outside Lands 2021, slinging his absurdity to the delight of many millennials.
Shows are for 21 and over only, with valid ID.
*2 item minimum per person.*
Doors open 30-60 minutes prior depending on showtime.
*All show lineups are subject to change.
(In this Covid era, our lineups can and may change at the last minute, as needed.)
** We do not offer refunds or exchanges. All sales are final.
***For those guests who may need extra assistance in seating or space for a wheelchair, we kindly ask that you call the club and leave a message letting us know, along with your name and the show you are attending. 408.736.0921 That way we can be sure to reserve the table with the best access for you.
The show features the “Dinosaurs of Comedy,” longtime San Francisco comedians Michael Meehan, seen on “The Late Show with Craig Ferguson” and “Last Comic Standing,” Larry “Bubbles” Brown, who has appeared twice on “Late Night with David Letterman,” and Johnny Steele from “Hey Monster, Hands Off My City.”